::: news :::
::: songs for forgetting :::
i am very pleased to announce the release of songs for forgetting, my first solo lp release, and my first physical release since … more::: songs for forgetting :::
::: homework – year 1 :::
homework – year 1 by murmer ::: murmer ::: the docks sing in strange tongues ::: from homework – year 1 – DL, taâlem, 2016 … more::: homework – year 1 :::
::: kuulamispunkt :::
kuulamispunkt (listening point) is a mobile social sound installation, which appears in various locations around a city or town, usually in the context … more::: kuulamispunkt :::
::: 2016.09.10 ::: riga, lv :::
::: performance @ space textures X ::: i will be performing my live mix of field recording from the räpina papermill, accompanied my footage from the mill … more::: 2016.09.10 ::: riga, lv :::
::: 2016.08.23 ::: tartu, ee :::
::: performance @ helikoosolek ::: helikoosolek returns with the first of it’s series of occasional events in tartu, featuring live performances in an amazing setting by … more::: 2016.08.23 ::: tartu, ee :::
::: 2016.08.17-20 ::: tartu, ee :::
::: installation @ Linnafestival UIT ::: throughout the tartu UIT festival, my sound installation kuulamispunkt (listening point) will appear around the city, … more::: 2016.08.17-20 ::: tartu, ee :::
::: 2016.06.10 ::: hamburg, de :::
::: performance @ blurred edges festival ::: i will be performing a live mix of found sounds and field recordings from the oldest industry in estonia … more::: 2016.06.10 ::: hamburg, de :::
::: ruben guzman films :::
i am extremely honored to announce that the amazing experimental documentary filmmaker rubén guzmán, from patagonia, has made two short film clips inspired by and featuring sounds from my upcoming LP release on gruenrekorder, songs for forgetting. … more::: ruben guzman films :::
::: 2016.05.21 ::: jyväskylä, fi :::
::: performance & talk @ pixelache satellite festival ::: Pixelache visits Jyväskylä and its’ Yläkaupungin Yö -festival 21. of May. From Pixelache 2015 – Living Spaces … more::: 2016.05.21 ::: jyväskylä, fi :::
::: kickstarter campaign launch! :::
i am very excited to announce the one of my favorite record labels, gruenrekorder in germany, has launched a kickstarter campaign to raise the funds to release my first full-length solo release since 2012, songs for forgetting. … more::: kickstarter campaign launch! :::