::: news :::
::: one square meter: maribor riverside :::
[ezcol_1half] one square meter is a project in micro-exploration. all sounds were recorded within a small radius of one another, a study of … more::: one square meter: maribor riverside :::
::: cd release, framework 1-4 :::
now available from malaysia’s herbal international: the framework compositions are a series of experiments with untreated field recordings, exploring notions of musicality within … more::: cd release, framework 1-4 :::
::: framework:seasonal ::: autumn 2012 edition :::
[ezcol_1half] the framework:seasonal series of fund-raising audio releases continues with a very special issue #3 – the great chris watson, who, we’re sure, needs no introduction amongst framework listeners, has … more::: framework:seasonal ::: autumn 2012 edition :::
::: 2012.11.06 ::: allentown, usa :::
[ezcol_1half] ::: performance @ muhlenberg college ::: tuesday, 6 nov. 12:45 (afternoon) the center for the arts galleria muhlenberg college 2400 chew st. … more::: 2012.11.06 ::: allentown, usa :::
::: 2012.10.16-21 ::: taipei, taiwan :::
[ezcol_1half] ::: ephemeral listening (active and passive soundscapes) ::: as part of playaround 2012 The technology required for exploration of our sonic environment … more::: 2012.10.16-21 ::: taipei, taiwan :::
::: 2012.11.09 ::: cambridge, us :::
[ezcol_1half] ::: presentation @ the film study center, harvard university ::: friday, 9 november 16:00 – 18:00 room 416, sever building free In … more::: 2012.11.09 ::: cambridge, us :::
::: 2012.08.30-31 ::: maribor, slovenia :::
[ezcol_1half] ::: maribor maps ::: udo noll (de) with patrick mcginley (ee), support by ana pečar, petra kaps & andrej hrvatin (si) sound maps KIBLA, … more::: 2012.08.30-31 ::: maribor, slovenia :::
::: cd release, what are the roots that clutch :::
[ezcol_1half]the great helen scarsdale agency has now officially announced the release of the first new solo murmer full length abum since 2007, what are the roots … more::: cd release, what are the roots that clutch :::
::: plats, kleyn & mcginley @ mooste folk festival :::
on the 28th of april, 2012, marja-liisa plats (a local singer with whom i have worked several times in the past few years … more::: plats, kleyn & mcginley @ mooste folk festival :::
::: framework:seasonal ::: spring 2012 edition :::
and an announcement from the world of framework radio: staying in the realm of shiny discs, issue 2 of the framework:seasonal fundraising compilation … more::: framework:seasonal ::: spring 2012 edition :::