::: echo surveys: nuti :::

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in november, 2020 i participated in an event curated by shawn pinchbeck for BEAMS (the boreal electroacoustic music society) in canada entitled together apart… an evening of audio wonderments. it was to be another online concert in response to the covid-19 pandemic and lockdown, but due to the time differences for artists spread throughout north america and europe, the artists were given the opportunity to pre-record their performances. this allowed me to create a piece in our half-renovated farmhouse in the estonian countryside, from which a live stream would have been impossible to organise. the piece streamed online on the night of november 21st, and was then briefly archived on BEAMS’ twitch page. now i am making this ‘sound film’ available permanently here.

echo surveys is an ongoing series of performances, workshops, recordings, compositions, and collective experiences focusing of site-specific found sound, interaction, and activity. all sounds originate from the action’s site – either pre-recorded and/or reworked in advance, or captured/created live with found materials or realtime events. they aim to document a single and unrepeatable moment in time and place, to concentrate attention on a site’s natural sonic imprint, as well as to give voice to otherwise unheard sonic identities through direct interaction with the space. echo surveys: nuti was recorded live on november 14, 2020 at nuti talu in metsküla, viljandimaa, estonia. the images were filmed and edited by daniel allen and marta kucza.

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