::: psi-solation + 1 :::

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::: murmer ::: ego owns no hostage :::
from psi-solation + 1 (one year on) – DL, celebrate psi phenomenon, 2021

one year ago, celebrate psi-phenomenon (perpetrated by the great Campbell James Kneale) released the first psi-solation compilation, a massive collection of 119 works created in lockdown. now, one year on, we have psi-solation+1 (one year on), with 58 more works created in a fog of optimism by the likes of Antony Milton, Claire Furchick Pannell, Goh Lee Kwang, Howard D Stelzer, and many more familiar (to me) and unfamiliar (to me) names.

i have also contributed a work, ego owns no hostage, and you can listen to it if you want! it’s all free, but any donated proceeds go to support the miracle room, a local artist-run space in campbell’s small town in new zealand. find the whole damn thing here.

we spent the first lockdown in march 2020 doing demolition work (in isolation) in our future home – since then my studio has moved from the second floor of our old home to the sauna building of the new one. it made for a chilly working winter, but a quiet and comforting place to wait out the remainder of the pandemic. these sounds, perhaps, illustrate that anticipation.

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