::: presentation @ goldsmiths :::
tuesday, 17 november, 17:00
cinema, richard hoggart building
8 lewisham way, new cross
Music Research Series and SPRS present:
Patrick McGinley, AKA murmer
One Square Meter: Small Scale Sonic Exploration
McGinley presents his experiments in small-scale sonic exploration.
We will examine and discuss perspective, perception, attention and focus through sonic surveys of small or unexpected spaces, as in his ongoing projects ‘One Square Meter’ and ‘Hidden Sounds’.
The Music Research Series is designed to help postgraduate students advance their research and careers. The events stimulate exchange, hones skills, facilitates the creation of professional networks and helps to consolidate the department’s postgraduate community, all over a glass of wine! Attendance is strongly recommended for all postgraduate students (MA, MMus and PGR) in Music but of course undergraduates, music researchers, and visitors from across the college and the community are also most welcome to these public lectures.