::: 2016.05.07 ::: rovaniemi, fi :::

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::: performance & talk @ pixelache satellite festival :::

saturday, 7 may
talk @ napa-gallery
14:00, kairatie 3
performance @ värinä gallery
18:00, valtakatu 19
both free entry

As a part of Pixelache 2015 Living Spaces festival touring program, sound artist murmer (Estonia/US) performs in Rovaniemi on the 7th of May. Murmer will bring his ‘Echo Surveys’ sound art performance to Culture House Valsa, soon to be torn down house in the centre of the town. All the sounds in the performance will be produced by the materials found in the Valsa house or pre-recorded in the same space. Murmer creates a unique and straight-forward connection to the space and the audience while maintaining an aspect of risk or surprise in his performances. ‘Echo Surveys’ can be experienced as a performance or as a pop-in-out sound installation.

Patrick McGinley (murmer) talks about his work in Napa -gallery the same day at 14 – 16. Pixelache 2015 – Living Spaces co-director John Fail will tell about the 2015 festival, as well as the co-directors for year 2016 Interfaces for Empathy -festival, Mari Keski-Korsu and Petri Ruikka, will talk about the theme for this year’s festival. Pixelache 2016 – Interfaces for Empathy festival will bring program to Rovaniemi again in November 2016.

The program is produced in collaboration with Pixelache, Northern Media Culture Association Magneetti ry, Napa-gallery and Culture Association Valsa.

Detailed program
At 14-16 Murmer and Pixelache in Napa-gallery (Kairatie 3, Rovaniemi)
At 18-19 murmer’s ‘Echo Surveys’ -performance in Culture House Valsa (Valtakatu 19, Rovaniemi)

Murmer from festival 2015 program will perform also in Jyväskylä 21. of May. The visit to Jyväskylä is organised in collaboration with Live Herring Ry. The collaboration between Pixelache, Live Herring and Magneetti will continue in autumn 2016 when program of Pixelache 2016 – Interfaces for Empathy will tour both Jyväskylä and Rovaniemi. The events are supported by Finnish Cultural Foundation.

Northern Media Culture Association Magneetti ry is an organisation which gives exposure to northern artists and connects them to the international art world. Our foundations lie in internationalism and professionalism. Magneetti was set up in 2005 by Jetta Huttunen, Minna Rainio and Mark Roberts.

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