::: 2019.09.28 ::: tartu, ee :::

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::: performance @ helikoosolek :::

helikoosolek #58: Räpina paberivabrik, sound and image
saturday, september 28, 16:00
galerii pallas
riia 11, tartu

Your Helikoosolek founder and co-host Patrick Tubin McGinley this month presents to you sounds and images from the Räpina papermill, the oldest continuously operating industry in Estonia. In 2018, McGinley and his collaborator Daniel Edward Allen released ‘The Mill’, an experimental documentary shot in the papermill over the previous 3 years. McGinley will discuss the project, and give a live sound performance constructed from abstracted sounds recorded at the mill, accompanied by a collage of visual footage recorded by Allen.

Patrick Tubin McGinley (AKA murmer) is an American-born sound, performance, and radio artist who has been based in Europe since 1996. Since then he has been building a collection of found sounds and found objects that has become the basis of all his work. In 2002 he founded Framework, an organisation that produces a weekly field-recording themed radio show, broad- and podcasting around the world. In 2005 he first visited Estonia, and relocated there permanently in 2009. His work is about small discoveries and concentrated attention; it focuses on the framing of the sounds around us which normally pass through our ears unnoticed and unremarked, but which out of context become unrecognisable, alien and extraordinary: crackling charcoal, a squeaking escalator, a buzzing insect, or one’s own breath. He works equally with spaces, objects, resonances, and people, in composition, performance, or simply collective action and experience, in exploration of perception via attentive listening.

Discussion will be held in English

Recommended donation: 3-5€ 

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