::: one square meter: maribor riverside :::

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one square meter is a project in micro-exploration. all sounds were recorded within a small radius of one another, a study of the different resonances perspectives, and focuses of a small space. for this project the chosen spot is on the riverside of the drava in maribor, the ruins of an old staircase that once led down to the water. the site contains the support poles for the now-gone staircase handrails, metal guardrails and fences, discarded bottles, reeds and cables dipping into the water, concrete walls, and life (insects, birds, fish, etc).individual sounds can be heard from the map on the right. here as well is a composition made using the recordings:

one square meter: maribor riverside is one outcome of the maribor maps project, a collaboration with udo noll, creator of the aporee soundmaps, and as we speak, which was a part of maribor capital of culture 2012.



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