::: murmer ::: ascent/descent :::
from homework – year 9 – DL, taâlem, 2023
each year taâlem puts out an end-of-year compilation featuring works by artists that have worked with the label over the years. here is my contribution for 2024, a simple composition constructed from recordings made since my last composed piece for the series.
here are taâlem-master jean-marc boucher’s notes about this year’s edition:
“homework – year 9” is the ninth volume in an ongoing series of compilations which are released at the end of each year and gather unreleased tracks composed/recorded/tweaked/finalized during the year by as much taâlem artists as possible.
so once again, we’ve asked every artist who had a release on taâlem during these 23 years to contribute a 2024 track.
we’ve received 71 tracks for this ninth edition. most of the contributing artists were already present on the previous editions (even on all of them for a few!), some are back after some years off, others could unfortunately not make it.
as always, taâlem wishes to thank all the artists involved for their generosity, patience, trust and support during all these years. and of course big thanks to our ever loyal customers too! we couldn’t go on without you.
photography: delphine ancelle-b.