::: 2024.06.21 ::: timișoara, ro :::

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::: talk & performance @ sonic narratives 2024 :::

friday, 21 june, 18:00
the pavilion
anton scudier central park

friday, 21 june, 21:00
under the bridge pool
splaiul tudor vladimirescu 20

i was invited to timișoara by my good friends at semi-silent to perform and present at the 2024 edition of the sonic narratives festival, alongside several other great artists: stéphane marin, manja ristić, mark vernon, anamaria pravicencu, ana teodora popa, felicity mangan (although scheduling meant our paths did not cross), and several others. due to baggage restrictions imposed by my onward travel, i planned what is a rare occurrence for me: a laptop performance. i created a pool of 4-channel sources, some decoded from ambisonic field recordings, some stereo field recordings mixed to an X-pattern, and some mono contact/geophone recordings layered upen themselves into 4 channels. the resulting slow-moving mix was supported by the amazing focusing resonance of the empty derelict swimming pool i and my audience were in:

earlier that evening i had the opportunity to talk to festival attendees about 20 years of framework radio under the trees in timișoara’s central park:

thank you sonic narratives, and anamairia, for the invitation!

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